High Voltage Design Concepts and Safety Systems

In many cases, ECE R100 forces manufacturers of high-voltage vehicles to design in various safety systems. If you understand what these systems and approaches are for, and how they operate, you’ll find the diagnosis of several common high-voltage faults a great deal easier.

Included in this category are courses covering;

  • Equipotential Bonding
  • Galvanic Isolation
  • Isolation Monitoring – DC Balanced Bridge
  • Isolation Monitoring – Capacitor Resistor Circuit – Film Capacitors
  • Isolation Monitoring – Capacitors in Parallel and Series in DC Circuits
  • Isolation Monitoring – Capacitors in AC Circuits
  • Isolation Monitoring – The Capacitor Resistor Circuit
  • Interlock Circuits / Pilot Lines
  • Interlock Circuits / Pilot Lines – Toyota Prius NHW20
  • Interlock Circuits / Pilot Lines – Tesla Model S
  • Interlock Circuits / Pilot Lines – BMW 2013 i3
  • Interlock Circuits / Pilot Lines – BMW 2013 i3 – Service Disconnect
  • High Voltage Overcurrent Protection – Introduction
  • High Voltage Overcurrent Protection – High Voltage Fuse
  • High Voltage Overcurrent Protection – Electronically Controlled Circuit Breaker
  • High Voltage Overcurrent Protection – Pyrotechnic Disconnect






01 Fundamentals


02 Engine Management


03 Vehicle Electrics


04 Hybrid and Electric Vehicles




06 Chassis
